About Us


Overview and business data

Company name


Business lineup

Engineering, equipment control, and plant maintenance services in a variety of different industrial fields, including chemicals, synthetic fibers, food, pharmaceuticals, informatics, logistics systems, environment, and energy technologies


1,405,000,000 yen

Share Holder

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

Head office

1-2-2, Nihonbashi-Hongokucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0021


As of June 30, 2023

President and CEO Hiroki Fujii
Directors Masaki Shimizu, Shigehiro Uwamori, Hiroki Kawahara,Takanori Kusano
Audit & Supervisory Yutaka Yamauchi


1200(Consolidated 2500)
*As of March 31, 2023

Net Sales and Operating income

Net sales from completed works Non-consolidated  88,979 million yen
Consolidated       135,420 million yen
(fiscal year ending March 31, 2023)
Operating income Non-consolidated    3,849 million yen
Consolidated           7,883 million yen
(fiscal year ending March 31, 2023)

Financial information (Based on Japanese GAAP)

Fiscal Year 2022 (Fiscal Year ending March 2023)
Fiscal Year 2021 (Fiscal Year ending March 2022)
Fiscal Year 2020 (Fiscal Year ending March 2021)


Registered with the MLIT as a general construction and civil engineering contractor
Certification No. 4440 (General/Special 2, Special 4)
First-class registered architect office
Registered with the Governor of Tokyo: No. 20211
All other departments (excluding the Sakaide Department) are registered in their respective prefectures.
Filed as a Deemed Registered Electrical Contractor
Filing No.: METI No. 26025
Ministry of the Environment (Japan) Designated Evaluation Body (Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act)
Designated number: 2023-3-2064